Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Moving on ~~

Finally my second semester has just ended and this indicates the finale of my first year in Medan. Waiting for the time to pass and guessing the date to board on planes. Looking up high the skies seeing plane whooshing pass me, thinking of my next journey. Four more years to go indeed, and always praying a smooth upfront sails. With great attitudes, hopes and God’s grace nothing can tumble me as that’s what I believed in. Though sometimes it may not worked but there’s always great spirits around me whom always there and be my wings to allow me soaring higher every day. How they lifted me was by attaching every bits of fallen feathers’ back on my wings. These spirits are my parents and friends. I’m glad-full and appreciates every wishes and prayers they enchanted on me. It’s a great and fortunate bounty though. With that, I hope and pray that they’ll always be my side without ending.........

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